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artistic don

i am the son of two tribes.

i am the daughter of one birth.

i am the spirit of many nations.

i am a child of mother earth.


b’atz’ recinos was born and raised on Turtle Island and is of latinx descent with mixed Mayan roots from the K ’iche Nation of Iximulew (Guatemala). Their commitment to equitable and diverse practices within the arts has led them to speak at YouthREX and several other panels and conferences and publish articles with NOW, Intermission Magazine, and contribute to The Director’s Lab book published by Playwright Canada Press. A trained facilitator, B'atz’ has delivered various workshops on diversity, inclusion, art and self-care with youth, artists, and communities across Ontario.  A Humber Performance Alum and founder of Creative Mafia Arts. B’atz’ is also a Maya Ajq-ijab (Day Keeper) belonging to Wajxaqib’ B’atz’ Council of Sumpango Guatemala.

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